Interventional Pulmonary Procedures 

Interventional pulmonology uses endoscopy and other tools to diagnose and treat conditions in the lungs and chest. At Palm Beach Health Network, you have access to a team of lung specialists, also called pulmonologists, thoracic, and cardiothoracic surgeons to help treat and diagnose such conditions. 

Procedures for Interventional Pulmonology include:

  • Bronchoscopy 

During bronchoscopy, a doctor may collect a small piece of tissue from either the lung or a nearby lymph node. The interventional pulmonologist can use a needle or forceps advanced through the bronchoscope to get a sample of tissue. Biopsies can detect cancer, infection, sarcoidosis, and other conditions. 

For people with lung cancer or other cancers, interventional pulmonology biopsies can often accurately identify spread of cancer into lymph nodes. This can prevent unnecessary surgery or help determine the best choice for treatment 

  • Airway stent (bronchial stent)

Find a Pulmonologist

Don't wait another day to receive the quality lung care you deserve.

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