Notice to Patients
- Services provided in Palm Beach Health Network will be provided by the hospital, as well as by other health care providers who may separately bill the patient. These other health care providers may or may not participate with the same health insurers
or health maintenance organizations as Palm Beach Health Network. Patients should contact other health care practitioners who will provide services to them in the hospital directly to determine the health insurers and health maintenance organizations
that the health care practitioner participates as a network provider or preferred provider. The names, mailing addresses, and telephone numbers of the health care practitioners and medical practice groups with which Palm Beach Health Network contracts
to provide services in the facility are listed here.
American Anesthesiology of South Florida
P.O. Box 535470
Atlanta, GA 30353-5470
866-507-5244Genesis Critical Care Assoc LLC
9980 Central Park Boulevard, Suite 322
Boca Raton, FL 33428
800-655-2656Zotec Partners
P.O. Box 1547
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1547
877-440-0482Albert Cohen, Billing Services
P. O. Box 20269
West Palm Beach, FL 33416-0269
Team Health Service Center
P.O. Box 740022
Cincinnati, OH 45274-0022
888-952-6772 - Patients may request from Palm Beach Health Network and other health care providers treating them a personalized estimate of charges and other information. To request an estimate of the hospital’s charges, please contact our Patient Access
Department at 561-495-3373. To request an estimate of another health care provider’s charges you should contact that health care provider’s office directly.
- Financial Assistance Policy. If you don’t have insurance coverage, Palm Beach Health Network will provide you with financial counseling, including assistance applying for state and federal health care programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, and
for available coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Uninsured patients who do not qualify for any state or federal health care program, and who qualify as financially indigent in accordance with Tenet’s Financial Assistance for Uninsured
Patients policy, will receive a Charity Care Discount. The statement made above is to inform you of the facility’s “Financial Assistance For Uninsured Patients” policy that includes Charity Care Discount application, documentation,
and collection procedures. View the policy.
- Uninsured patients who do not qualify for any state or federal health care program, and who do not qualify for a charity care discount may be eligible for financial assistance either under Tenet’s Compact with Uninsured Patients. View the policy,
or Tenet’s Cash Pay Rate Policy.
- Palm Beach Health Network will offer uninsured patients payment plans to assist in settling past due outstanding hospital bills. In addition, Palm Beach Health Network will not charge interest under such extended payment plans.
- Palm Beach Health Network will not, in dealing with patients who qualify for charity care, place or foreclose liens on primary residences as a means of collecting unpaid hospital bills. Palm Beach Health Network will not use body attachment to require that uninsured patients or a responsible party appear in court.
- The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (Agency) launched Florida Health Price Finder, a health care transparency tool for customers to find data on health care costs for national, state, and county prices. The state of Florida’s service bundle information is a non-personalized estimate of costs that may be incurred by the patient for anticipated services and that actual costs will be based on services actually provided to the patient. Patients have a right to request a personalized estimate from the hospital. The website allows consumers and caregivers to find the data on health care costs as well as to look up the average amounts paid by Florida insurance plans for a specific service. We want to give you the information you need to make healthcare decisions, including costs of services by providing consumers and caregivers to have a better estimate of their total out-of-pocket expenses.
- The website lists the services as “care bundles”. A care bundle includes the steps and procedures that are part of a typical treatment plan for that specific care bundle. For example, the care bundle for Knee Replacement includes an office visit with a specialist, surgery, outpatient physical therapy/rehabilitation and follow-up visits.
- Since 2007, Floridians have been able to use to look up undiscounted hospital charges, however, this is rarely the amount that individuals or insurance companies are expected to pay. Now, with this new tool, and in conjunction with working with their respective insurance plans, Floridians have the opportunity to get a much better estimate of out-of-pocket costs for specific services.