When to Go to an ER

One moment you’re asking them to please stop jumping on the bed. The next, you’re in the car on the way to the ER, trying to remain calm. With kids, a trip to the emergency room can come out of nowhere, and when it does, we’re here ready to treat your child.

When emergencies occur, you want the best treatment possible for your child as fast as you can get it. The Palm Beach Health Network can provide your family access to some of the best emergency care treatment around, designed specifically for the needs of children.

The following symptoms or situations are a sure sign of a medical emergency and require immediate attention. Call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room immediately if you experience:

  • Difficulty breathing or choking
  • Severe head injury
  • Injury to your neck or spine, especially if there is loss of feeling or movement
  • Serious burn or burn over a large part of your body
  • Severe chest pain or pressure
  • Passing out or fainting suddenly
  • Arm pain with shortness of breath or chest discomfort
  • Muscle strain, when tied to the inability to walk, fever or an open wound
  • Jaw pain with shortness of breath or chest discomfort
  • Unusual or intense headache that comes on fast
  • Inability to speak, see or move
  • Sudden weak or drooping sensation on one side of the body
  • Inhalation of smoke or poisonous fumes
  • Broken bone, especially if the bone is pushing through the skin
  • Deep wound or heavy bleeding
  • Coughing or throwing up blood
  • Digestive problems, especially sudden, severe stomach pain, coupled with nausea and vomiting
  • Intense back pain with numbness, weakness and fever
  • Severe, debilitating pain anywhere on your body
  • Serious allergic reaction with trouble breathing or swelling
  • High fever that doesn’t improve with medicine
  • Electric shock or lightning strike

Find a Pediatric Specialist

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