Pediatric Oncology Support Team (POST)

Your child will face both physical and psychological challenges in the wake of a cancer diagnosis and treatment. That’s why Palm Beach Children’s Hospital partners with POST who offers a wide range of support services, including counseling, to help your child and family through the process. Helping your child feel better emotionally can help them get better physically and even speed the healing process so they get back to normal faster.

The POST Staff includes child life specialists, mental health counselors and case managers who work together to help children and their families as they go through treatment. These services can include counseling, financial assistance or simply talking together to help everyone understand the treatment plan. These services are offered to children and families from Palm Beach, the Treasure Coast and Hendry Counties, and families are eligible for these services regardless of where the child receives diagnosis and treatment. 

Find a Pediatric Oncologist

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Location Results for {{LookingWhereSearchResult}} within {{SelectedMiles}} miles


Showing {{FilteredFacilities.length}} Locations


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  • {{facility.Phone}}

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  • {{facility.Address.City}}, {{facility.Address.StateCode}} {{facility.Address.Zip}}
  • {{facility.Phone}}


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