Your Therapy Team


A physiatrist is a doctor who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Your assigned physiatrist will be the manager of the rehabilitation team. He/she will manage your care, monitor your progress and answer your questions.

Rehabilitation Nurse

A trained and licensed nurse who oversees and assists with your personal care by taking doctor’s orders, giving out medications, monitoring your medical status, educating you and your family on your condition, providing discharge instructions and coordinating your care with other team members. The Registered Nurse (RN) also directs any care you may receive from Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA), who work together as part of your nursing team.

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)

A certified person who assists with your personal care on the nursing unit including bathing, toileting, dressing, feeding and taking vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, temperature). All findings are reported to an RN on the nursing unit.


 A trained and licensed doctor (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) who assists you and your family with coping not just with the physical aspects, but also the emotional aspects of your condition or illness.

Physical Therapist (PT)

A trained and licensed therapist who evaluates and maximizes your independence with mobility goals. Mobility goals may include wheelchair training, getting in and out of the bed and car, walking, and going up and down curbs, ramps or stairs, as appropriate. Important components of PT include increasing leg strength, and improving balance and function. A PT may supervise a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) in the delivery of your physical therapy.

Occupational Therapist (OT)

A trained and licensed therapist who evaluates and maximizes your independence with your activities of daily living. Activities of daily living (ADLs) may include dressing, grooming, hygiene, feeding, getting in or out of the tub or shower, and homemaking skills. Important components of OT include increasing arm strength and improving fine motor control. The OT may also address vision and safety awareness.

Speech Therapist (ST)

A trained and licensed therapist who evaluates and maximizes your independence with communication and swallowing. Communication includes the ability to speak and understand, and to problem solve in everyday situations. Swallowing includes the ability to chew and safely swallow food and liquid.

Case Manager/Social Worker

The Case Manager/Social Worker serves as coordinator between you, your family, the treatment team and your insurance company. The Case Manager/Social Worker schedules your team and family conferences and assists with your discharge planning needs.


A registered dietician screens for nutritional risks, caloric needs, and any special dietary needs or restrictions. You may have a dietician available to instruct you on special diets you may need to follow at home.


A trained and licensed pharmacist, who works with your doctor and nurse, to educate you on the proper use of medications including when and how much to take, possible side-effects and drug interactions.

Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (TR)

A trained and certified therapist who evaluates your leisure lifestyle, mobility and cognition in order to utilize recreation as a tool to meet the goals set in place by the interdisciplinary team of therapists. An important component of TR is community re-entry, which allows the patient to acclimate to community settings (shopping centers, restaurants, etc.) prior to discharge.

The following team members are available based on need:

Respiratory Therapist (RT)

A trained and licensed therapist who assists you with your breathing techniques and treatments, under the direction of your treating physician(s).

Vestibular Specialist

A trained healthcare professional who educates as well as identifies, assesses and manages balance and vestibular problems.

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