Robotic Urology

When it comes to surgical outcomes, the right team makes all the difference. With specially trained robotic surgeons, Palm Beach Health Network offers some of the latest advancements in minimally invasive, robotic-assisted urologic procedures to our community including the da Vinci® Xi Surgical System and AquaBeam® Robotic System.

da Vinci Robotic Surgery

A New Approach To Surgery

Palm Beach Health Network surgeons have an extra set of hands – a four-armed robot that assists them with complex surgeries through just a few tiny incisions.

It’s called the da Vinci® Xi Surgical System, named after the great artist Leonardo da Vinci, who was known for his anatomical accuracy and three-dimensional details. The da Vinci Xi® robot allows our robotically trained surgeons to perform complex urologic procedures using minimally invasive techniques. As a result, our patients receive the highest quality of care and surgical outcomes for any of their urologic needs.

In addition to the prostate, our surgeons perform urologic procedures of the bladder, kidneys, adrenal glands or ureters, robotically with the da Vinci® Xi Surgical System. 

How It Works

Traditional surgery may involve a large open incision and a longer recovery. With the da Vinci® Xi Surgical System, your surgeon can make the smallest of incisions, opening the door for us to offer minimally invasive surgery for complex surgical procedures.

Surgery with da Vinci® Xi Surgical System does not place a robot at the controls. Your surgeon will use the system’s robotic hands in place of their own, controlling every aspect of the operation with the assistance of the robotic platform. The surgeon sits at the da Vinci®Xi console, directing the tiny robotic-like instruments to make small incisions. At the same time, your surgeon can insert a tiny camera to see a three-dimensional image of the area on a high-definition monitor.

Our highly skilled robotic surgeons are experienced in advanced treatments for urological conditions. Prostatectomies can be performed with our minimally invasive da Vinci® Xi Surgical System, which may reduce patients stay in the hospital and recovery time.

The AquaBeam® Robotic System

At Delray Medical Center and Good Samaritan Medical Center, aquablation therapy is performed with The AquaBeam® Robotic System (also termed waterjet ablation), designed for the resection (cutting out) and removal of prostate tissue in males suffering from LUTS due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. The AquaBeam® Robotic System is the first FDA-cleared surgical robot utilizing automated tissue resection to treat LUTS due to BPH.

Through the assistance of a robot, the surgeon maps the exact treatment contour and then monitors as the robot executes the treatment plan, guiding a precisely calibrated heat-free waterjet with speed and accuracy. The waterjet, pulsating near the speed of sound, removes prostatic tissue. Aquablation therapy offers predictable and reproducible outcomes, independent of prostate anatomy, size or surgeon experience.

HYDROS Robotic System Aquablation Therapy

Good Samaritan Medical Center is the first hospital in South Florida outside of Miami to perform Aquablation® therapy with the new HYDROS™ Robotic System, the next-generation platform to treat men suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), commonly known as an enlarged prostate. 

The HYDROS Robotic System represents the next evolution in the delivery of Aquablation therapy. Leveraging insights from over 50,000 procedures, HYDROS features FirstAssist AI™ treatment planning, advanced image guidance, robotic resection, and a streamlined workflow. HYDROS is designed to improve efficiency, enhance surgeon and staff experience, and deliver a more accurate and consistent treatment plan for better clinical outcomes.

Is Robotic Surgery Right for you?

Talk with your doctor to find out if you are a candidate for robotic surgery. Here are some things to consider when deciding if a robotic procedure could be the right choice for you:

  • You want to avoid having a large or multiple incisions that could cause scarring.
  • You do not want a long hospital stay.
  • You want to minimize blood loss and avoid the need for a blood transfusion during surgery.
  • You would prefer to limit the amount and duration of pain medications following surgery.
  • You want to minimize the risk of infection following surgery.
  • You want to know about surgical options that may provide better overall clinical outcomes and quicker return to everyday activities.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a condition that may require surgery, you owe it to yourself to learn about all your options, including some of the most non-invasive surgical treatments available using robotic surgery.

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