Gynecological Problems and Disorders

Almost every woman will suffer from a gynecological problem at some point in her life. It may be painful, and the pain may be brushed off as normal because it may be experienced during the menstrual cycle. The pain usually occurs in the pelvic region, so it can also be mistaken for other disorders such as gastrointestinal (e.g., constipation, high perirectal abscess), urinary (interstitial cystitis, calculi), musculoskeletal (abdominal muscle strains) and psychogenic (effects of previous physical, psychologic or sexual abuse) disorders.

But the pain can be distinguished from these disorders according to the duration and frequency of pain. Different gynecology diseases can produce the same symptoms, namely:

  • Irregular or heavy bleeding
  • Spotting
  • Post-coital bleeding (PCB)
  • Pelvic pain
  • Back pain

Your pelvic pain may indicate a more serious condition. Palm Beach Health Network is dedicated to providing you with a supportive and comfortable environment with our compassionate and experienced gynecologists as well as advanced technology to deliver the most innovative diagnostic and treatment procedures for your gynecological problems.

What Is a Gynecological Disorder?

A gynecological disorder is a condition that affects the normal function of female reproductive organs, including the breasts and organs in the abdominal and pelvic area, namely the womb (uterus), ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina and vulva. At Palm Beach Health Network, we provide a wide range of services to treat gynecological problems as well as prevention and screening for women’s gynecologic health.

When to See a Gynecologist

Most of the gynecological issues mentioned exhibit no symptoms unless they are already in an advanced stage, so you may not know you have a cyst, tumor or mass unless you undergo a routine examination by a gynecologist. Before diagnosis, our gynecologists will assess your gynecological history first, then proceed with diagnostic procedures. Please be sure to stay on top of your health with consistent appointments with a gynecologist.

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