The CORI™ Surgical System

The CORI™ Surgical System uses handheld robotics-assisted technology that helps the surgeon plan and perform the procedure. It also gives surgeons a three-dimensional (3D) view to help finalize and verify the selection of the knee implant and create a plan for surgery without needing a computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Robotics-assisted knee replacement surgery using the CORI Surgical System can lead to the following patient benefits:

  • Quicker, smoother recovery
  • Regain function faster and return home sooner
  • A unique 3D digital model to get a surgical plan customized to the patient's unique anatomy. The surgeon can perform the procedure more accurately than traditional knee replacement surgery.
  • A natural fit: Using this technology, patients can keep more of their natural bones and ligaments, including the anterior cruciate ligament in the knee, which helps maintain more of a natural rhythm and step.
  • A wide selection: The surgeon can choose from the widest selection of implants available, so implants can be precision-matched to feel more like a patient's knee.

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